Mayo is Older American’s Month
Mayo 1st begins Older American’s Month
Mayo 1st begins Older American’s Month
Jueves, Mayo 4, 2023 is CFiA Board Retreat
Viernes, Mayo 12 and Sábado, Mayo 13 is CFiA Fundraiser at Main and Center Street intersection in Collinsville, 7:30AM-12:30PM
Viernes, Mayo 12 and Sábado, Mayo 13 is CFiA Fundraiser at Main and Center Street intersection in Collinsville, 7:30AM-12:30PM
Sábado, Junio 3 and Domingo, Junio 4, Our Lord’s Lutheran welcomes CFiA at their worship services
Sábado, Junio 3 and Domingo, Junio 4, Our Lord’s Lutheran welcomes CFiA at their worship services
Viernes, Junio 9, Circle of Friends Ice-Cream Social 1-2PM
Miércoles, Junio 21 United Way Day of Action
Viernes, Julio 14, CFiA 25th Anniversary Celebration and Dinner Auction at Gateway Convention Center
Jueves, Agosto 3 from 10-11A is Quarterly Coffee for volunteers and potential volunteers