About Collinsville Faith in Action
Collinsville Faith in Action serves older adults and individuals with disabilities in the Collinsville, Caseyville, Maryville, and State Park area. Collinsville Faith in Action meets the needs of individuals in the community by providing services that are often seen as life-changing by our care receivers. The services offered include transportation, grocery shopping, companionship, respite for the family, minor home repairs, seasonal yard maintenance, social outings with other care receivers, Medicare enrollment assistance, Benefits Access (license plate discount and bus passes), and information about other possible benefits that are available. All of these services are provided at no charge.
The overall goal of Collinsville Faith in Action is to prevent and reduce isolation.
With a growing population, some older adults find themselves facing isolation or with limited access to services and resources. These individuals need a place to turn to find help navigating life’s daily living challenges. Alone and limited, many turn to churches and organizations like ours for help.